Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Today i just come back from camp feast
Camp feast dam fun, 2 day 1 night XD
But always rain one, so onli do 1,2 activity >.<
Den the onli indoor activity is cheering O.o
Shout until sore throut ^^
1st night is most fun of all
1st night we all perform cheer about camp
My group perform the spongebob camp fire song
Den sing the C.A.M.P.F.I.R.E.S.O.N.G song that time
Everyone shout den words all like mixed together
Den become like we shouting crap ^^
But i am the patrick group
I love it XD
Spongebob group fish liao den we...
BOM..BOM..BOM ^^ den shake shake the butt left right XD
Den after that ending performance is free dance
Everyone all stand up dance ^^
I and Asyraf dance is onli shake shake XD
Is so fun ^^
After that go sleep, i sleep beside window onli
Den when rain dat time so cold
Den the guy sleeping on top of me (double deck)
Suddenly put his head down ask for blanket
>.< i nearly die of heart attack, cause i thought i onli one wake up
He talk that time already shivering XD
When wake up dat time, sir say got P.T
But it rain, so cancel ^^
(But activity also :'<) so onli got archery
After that go home le ^^
Got 1 think forget put, de food they provide look all the same one
Den so buget until container must reuse, and i got extra serving vege >.<
I dun like -_-||
(Sry no pics, cams not allowed in camp >.<)
Gomen Nasai(means sry) ^^
@ 5:42 AM
Don't let me go -